SPa 4207 high-speed train 42.8m long, 7.1m wide, maximum swimming speed 48.15km/h, crew of 17 people. The ship has a single hull shape with a deep V-shaped bottom and wave-breaking wings. The ship is equipped with a special propeller tunnel to make the propulsion system work more efficiently and reduce vibration and noise.
- Owner: Damen Shipyards Gorinchem, Vietsovpetrol
- Designer: Damen Shipyard Gorinchem
- Register: Bureau Veritas (BV)
- Order: 3 units
- Length overall: 42.81 m
- Beam overall: 7.11 m
- Depth at side(haft length): 2.50 m
- Power: 4.200 bkw
- Normal speed: 25.5 knots
- User unit: Venezuelan Navy